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Created: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 11:49 am PST by MrKlegarth.
Debate views: 7,001

Debate Summary

Directions: To earn credit for participation you must do the following. Choose a side in the argument, support your choice with 3 supporting pieces of evidence. Reply to 1 other person that disagreed with you and provide a counter argument.

Top Debate Answers
1$starfruit Carambola (starfruit) - Top Debate Answer
Lettuce (Pro) LETTUCE (Pro) - are you stupid?

answered by NAOHBELLA
in concurrence to jchorba 10 years ago     (Go to debate answer)
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71.43% majority of vote
2$starfruit Carambola (starfruit) - Top Debate Answer
Lettuce (Pro) LETTUCE (Pro) - The US should have dropped the bomb because the show of its destructive power, and the effects of the fallout caused by the weapons, likely served as a deterrent for nuclear war during the Cold War.

answered by jareddiehl
in concurrence to jchorba 10 years ago     (Go to debate answer)
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75% majority of vote
3$starfruit Carambola (starfruit) - Top Debate Answer
Lettuce (Pro) LETTUCE (Pro) - Fire bombing did not have the fear factor or the amount of destruction that the atomic bomb did. It was also more costly to drop hundreds of fire bombs, over one atomic bomb.

answered by RandyMarks
in disputation to bbowman 10 years ago     (Go to debate answer)
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66.67% majority of vote
4$starfruit Carambola (starfruit) - Top Debate Answer
Lettuce (Pro) LETTUCE (Pro) - This new weapon stands to heavily reduce enemy resistance, even if at the cost of civilian lives. Even if they offer further resistance, the knowledge of our potency, for both immediate and long term damage via radiation, shall render their morale to...

answered by CommisarKarl
in disputation to bbowman 10 years ago     (Go to debate answer)
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66.67% majority of vote

Lettuce (Pro)
Drop the Bomb

Green Lettuce

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Number of lettuce debate answers: 26
Tomato Up Vote + 0

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- 0 Onion Down Vote

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In disputation to emilyw
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Too bad it did end the war early, joke's on you
10 years ago
posted by 16kdiehl  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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In disputation to arostucher20
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We had the right to attack Japan by bombing them because they attacked us at Pearl Harbor.
10 years ago
posted by KalebGiger  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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Tomato Up Vote + 1

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- 1 Onion Down Vote

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In disputation to StacShan
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With every war there are civilian casualties whether or not they were on purpose or not.
10 years ago
posted by liamglowaski18  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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- 1 Onion Down Vote

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Continued... The first reason that dropping the bombs was good is that it ended the war. The second reason that it was good is looking back on the whole world knows how bad a nuclear war could be. The third reason is in the long run it saved alot of Americans and causalities in general.
10 years ago
posted by Joeyk101  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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Tomato Up Vote + 5

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- 2 Onion Down Vote

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In concurrence to jchorba
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are you stupid?
10 years ago
posted by NAOHBELLA  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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In disputation to KaytiGolomb
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It is too late to avoid this new variety warfare. We have the bomb, and it will be a matter of time until others seek to replicate it.
10 years ago
posted by CommisarKarl  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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- 0 Onion Down Vote

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In concurrence to liamglowaski18
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Liam #1. the Americans are allies.
#2. We didn't invade
10 years ago
posted by 16kdiehl  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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Tomato Up Vote + 2

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- 1 Onion Down Vote

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The United States did the right thing by dropping the bomb on Japan. By bombing Japan, it spared many American's lives. If the U.S. were to attack on the ground with an invasion, thousands, if not hundreds of thousands American soldiers may have been killed. Though civilians were killed, the attack on the civilians was unintentional. ”I have told the Sec. of War, Mr. Stimson, to use it so that military objectives and soldiers and sailors are the target and not women and children... The target will be a purely military one and we will issue a warning statement asking the Japs to surrender and save lives." This was said by Truman. The attack on civilians was unintentional.
10 years ago
posted by KalebGiger  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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Tomato Up Vote + 2

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- 3 Onion Down Vote

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In concurrence to NAOHBELLA
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Why did so many people die from it then..? Yeah it definitely saves lives
10 years ago
posted by jchorba  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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Tomato Up Vote + 3

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- 2 Onion Down Vote

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I'm glad we dropped the bomb. First of all because I loved the names of both of the bombs "Fat Man" and "Little Boy." It also gave us a huge advantage because the bomb killed around 106,000 people devastating the area and destroying the factories and places of war production. It also rapped up the war which results in less American causalities. Suck it Japan.
10 years ago
posted by KyleFoust  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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Cabbage (Con)
Do not drop the Bomb

Red Cabbage

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Number of cabbage debate answers: 18
Tomato Up Vote + 0

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- 0 Onion Down Vote

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In disputation to KalebGiger
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Revenge is never the answer. Just because they did it to us, doesn't mean that we had the right to drop something worse than they did full of radioactivity which killed people who weren't even right there.
10 years ago
posted by 16kkowalsky  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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The US should have never dropped the bombs on Japan because it has opened a new can of worms that never needed to be touched. It killed innocent civilians who had done nothing but live in the country that had attacked Pearl Harbor, which was not their fault because the civilians weren't in the planes and they weren't the bomb either. Also, the atomic bomb started a revolution that would lead other countries to follow suite. Building these bombs, killed off people who weren't even in the vicinity of where the bombs could be dropped (giving off radioactive waves). Today, there is no defined limit to the amount of the destructive power the other countries have (at least to our knowledge) and at any minute our world as we know it could be ruined and this whole problem started when the US dropped the atomic bomb on Japan.
10 years ago
posted by 16kkowalsky  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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In concurrence to jchorba
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I completely agree with this, they could have bombed in a more humane way, not using the nuclear bombs they did. Destroying an entire city, with civilians, isn't right.
10 years ago
posted by MaddyCalluso  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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I personally feel as though the bomb shouldn't have been dropped. It killed many innocent civilians, and showed that other countries could drop bombs, with little to no repercussions. We were driven by revenge, and seldom does that end well for either side. We were relieved that Japan surrendered, but the numerous amount of civilians killed was unnecessary. The civilians weren't the ones that dropped the bombs on Pearl Harbor. The military did. Just like the citizens of the United States have little control over the military, and what actions they take, the same applies for Japan. Looking at it from a person whom merely lives in a country and has no say in the militaristic actions, the civilians didn't deserve to die at the hands of Japan's and the United States warfare tactics.
10 years ago
posted by MaddyCalluso  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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In disputation to KalebGiger
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Regardless of whether or not the killing of civilians was unintentional, it still happened. It still worsened the inhumanity situation of the war, and saying sorry just doesn't cut it.
10 years ago
posted by ZachLeonardo  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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According to International Law in 1945, it stated that the "bombing of unarmed places of establishment, houses, buildings" was extremely prohibited. It also stated that "the Commander issuing the order should have warned the Japanese authorities to maybe evacuate Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
10 years ago
posted by 16kdiehl  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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In concurrence to emilyw
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It already happened and it messed up the Japanese which resulted in a fraction of American causalities. We may have opened ourselves up for a nuke being dropped on us but that didn't happen and we knew it wouldn't happen after we dropped the second one because the Japanese knew we would and could destroy their entire stupid little country if they did.
10 years ago
posted by KyleFoust  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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Judging on where we are today, with the constant threat of atomic weapons and other tools of mass destruction, the world would have been at a better place if we hadn't dropped the bomb. After the creation and usage the bomb, a new era of atomic destruction erupted, eventually shoving the world into the cold war. Dropping the bomb also worsened the general ruthlessness in war by killing civilians. It also made the United States appear hypocritical considering that we despised Germany's bombing of British cities cities. All together, we would be in a better position had we not dropped the bomb.
10 years ago
posted by ZachLeonardo  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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In concurrence to KaytiGolomb
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With every war there is collateral damage. It is something we took into serious consideration,but in this case the pros outweighed the cons.
10 years ago
posted by Joeyk101  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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- 3 Onion Down Vote

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In disputation to EmilyWolfe
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Air bombing like they did was completely different than us dropping nuclear bombs on them. If we had used normal bombs this would all be completely different.
10 years ago
posted by KaytiGolomb  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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