Debate views: 7,270
Debate Summary
Some futurists and computer-science experts believe that if we continue on our current rate of advancements to artificial intelligence, robots’ intellect will surpass that of humans’ by the end of the century.
Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat to Humanity?
Can a machine act intelligently? Can it solve any problem that a person would solve by thinking?
Are human intelligence and machine intelligence the same? Is the human brain essentially a computer?
Can a machine have a mind, mental states and consciousness in the same sense humans do? Can it feel how things are?
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Lettuce (Pro)
Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)
Number of lettuce debate answers: 1
The question is framed as whether or not AI is a threat to humanity, but goes on to question how intelligent AIs can become. The majority of existing threats to humanity are not intelligent, such as viruses and meteor impacts. Humans are a threat to themselves, especially since the advent of nuclear weapons, but they are the ONLY intelligent thing that I would consider a real threat, excepting the possibility of aliens visiting our solar system.
This is not to say that intelligent AIs are not more dangerous than relatively unintelligent ones, but an intelligent or even superintelligent (more intelligent than humanly possible) isn't inherently dangerous. This is where the field of AI alignment comes in, with the goal of making sure that AIs are developed with robust safety measures to keep AIs from deciding to wipe out humanity, either out of malice or as some variation of a paperclip maximizer who gives humans no moral consideration.
The question is framed as whether or not AI is a threat to humanity, but goes on to question how intelligent AIs can become. The majority of existing threats to humanity are not intelligent, such as viruses and meteor impacts. Humans are a threat to themselves, especially since the advent of nuclear weapons, but they are the ONLY intelligent thing that I would consider a real threat, excepting the possibility of aliens visiting our solar system.
This is not to say that intelligent AIs are not more dangerous than relatively unintelligent ones, but an intelligent or even superintelligent (more intelligent than humanly possible) isn't inherently dangerous. This is where the field of AI alignment comes in, with the goal of making sure that AIs are developed with robust safety measures to keep AIs from deciding to wipe out humanity, either out of malice or as some variation of a paperclip maximizer who gives humans no moral consideration.
This is not to say that intelligent AIs are not more dangerous than relatively unintelligent ones, but an intelligent or even superintelligent (more intelligent than humanly possible) isn't inherently dangerous. This is where the field of AI alignment comes in, with the goal of making sure that AIs are developed with robust safety measures to keep AIs from deciding to wipe out humanity, either out of malice or as some variation of a paperclip maximizer who gives humans no moral consideration.
Cabbage (Con)
Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
Number of cabbage debate answers: 0