Online College Classes Vs. Traditional-Campus Classes

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Created: Monday, July 30, 2018 01:33 pm PST by jiljones.
Debate views: 4,573

Debate Summary

There are plenty of skeptics/critics out there that think traditional-campus classes are much more difficult than online classes. So with this debate majority rules! Are traditional-campus classes more difficult than online courses? Yes or no?

Online education vs traditional education: Which one is better. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Top Debate Answers
1$starfruit Carambola (starfruit) - Top Debate Answer
Cabbage (Con) CABBAGE (Con) - Having experienced both environments, traditional-campus courses are not any tougher. In fact, you have to be more self-motivated to participate in online courses. "Opting for online courses over traditional courses is not the easy route for you...

answered by jiljones
7 years ago     (Go to debate answer)
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2$starfruit Carambola (starfruit) - Top Debate Answer
Cabbage (Con) CABBAGE (Con) - Jones (2017) states that the material doesn't change much between traditional and online formats; success is based more on student characteristics. Reference Jones, A. (2017, April 20). Are online classes harder? And other FAQs about going to sch...

answered by lisa
7 years ago     (Go to debate answer)
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3$starfruit Carambola (starfruit) - Top Debate Answer
Cabbage (Con) CABBAGE (Con) - I have also experienced both online and traditional college classes, and definitely do not think that traditional classes are tougher. It takes much more self motivation and time management in an online environment.

answered by lisa
7 years ago     (Go to debate answer)
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4$starfruit Carambola (starfruit) - Top Debate Answer
Cabbage (Con) CABBAGE (Con) - The toughest thing about traditional courses is that you must get to a physical site at specific days/times. Otherwise, there's not much difference in course load between the two. I can say that research and writing can be over-whelming in the online...

answered by jiljones
in concurrence to lisa 7 years ago     (Go to debate answer)
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Personal accountability goes a long way, especially when this is a trait that employers are searching for.
7 years ago
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Online courses require students to have more self motivation and personal accountability than face to face courses.
7 years ago
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In concurrence to lisa
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The toughest thing about traditional courses is that you must get to a physical site at specific days/times. Otherwise, there's not much difference in course load between the two. I can say that research and writing can be over-whelming in the online environment, especially to those who aren't experienced in APA style/format.
7 years ago
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Jones (2017) states that the material doesn't change much between traditional and online formats; success is based more on student characteristics.


Jones, A. (2017, April 20). Are online classes harder?

And other FAQs about going to school online.

Retrieved from

7 years ago
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I have also experienced both online and traditional college classes, and definitely do not think that traditional classes are tougher. It takes much more self motivation and time management in an online environment.
7 years ago
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Having experienced both environments, traditional-campus courses are not any tougher. In fact, you have to be more self-motivated to participate in online courses. "Opting for online courses over traditional courses is not the easy route for your education. The flexibility of online classes can be extremely helpful to busy students, but the same freedom also creates additional pressures on those enrolled" Ericksen, 2017).
7 years ago
posted by jiljones  |  Reply  |  Flag this debate answer Flag

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