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September 11, 2001 (9/11) was an inside job

12 years ago by homer2000 in society

September 11, 2001 (9/11) was an inside job
Was September 11, 2001 (9/11) an inside job? Let's find the truth. Post your reason with sources if you have them why or why not September 11, 2001 was or was not an inside job.

Attachments: Image, Video
Sources: 2
Views: 3,751
Lettuce 1

Green Lettuce

While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Cabbage 0

Red Cabbage

While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)

Currently Winning

Scarface: Best Crime Movie

12 years ago by homer2000 in entertainment

Scarface: Best Crime Movie
Is Scarface (1983) the best crime movie?

Attachments: Image, Video
Sources: 2
Views: 3,897
Lettuce 1

Green Lettuce

While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Cabbage 0

Red Cabbage

While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)

Currently Winning

Pirates vs. Ninjas. Who Wins?

12 years ago by homer2000 in entertainment

Pirates vs. Ninjas. Who Wins?
Pirates vs. Ninjas. Who Wins?Pirates vs. Ninjas, is an online debate about which side would win in a hypothetical battle versus the other. There have been several single topic blogs, videos, and images inspired by the competition.Who wins?

Sources: 1
Views: 4,197
Lettuce 0

Green Lettuce

While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Cabbage 0

Red Cabbage

While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)


Should there be any zoos in the world?

12 years ago by homer2000 in society

Should there be any zoos in the world?
Zoos argue that they save endangered species and educate the public, but animal rights activists believe the costs outweigh the benefits, and the violation of the rights of the individual animals is unjustifiable.Should there be any zoos in the world?

Attachments: Image, Video
Sources: 2
Views: 7,431
Lettuce 0

Green Lettuce

While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Cabbage 0

Red Cabbage

While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)


Mortal Kombat: Mileena vs. Kitana. Who Wins?

12 years ago by homer2000 in entertainment

Mortal Kombat: Mileena vs. Kitana. Who Wins?
Mileena vs. Kitana. Who Wins?Fight to the death.

Sources: 5
Views: 4,280
Lettuce 0

Green Lettuce

While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Cabbage 0

Red Cabbage

While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)


End the Federal Reserve

12 years ago by homer2000 in economics

End the Federal Reserve
End the Federal Reserve and place the economy back on a solid monetary foundation?The Federal Reserve System (also known as the Federal Reserve, and informally as the Fed) is the central banking system of the United States. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reser...

Sources: 4
Views: 5,365
Lettuce 1

Green Lettuce

While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Cabbage 0

Red Cabbage

While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)

Currently Winning

Animal (The Muppets) vs. Buddy Rich. Who Wins?

12 years ago by homer2000 in entertainment

Animal (The Muppets) vs. Buddy Rich. Who Wins?
Animal vs. Buddy Rich. Who wins?

Sources: 1
Views: 5,724
Lettuce 0

Green Lettuce

While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Cabbage 0

Red Cabbage

While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)


Is Capitalism moral?

12 years ago by homer2000 in economics

Is Capitalism moral?
Is Capitalism moral? Does capitalism work, and if not, what is a solution that is better than Capitalism?

Attachments: Image, Video
Sources: 1
Views: 4,064
Lettuce 0

Green Lettuce

While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Cabbage 0

Red Cabbage

While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)


Enforced Uniforms : Is it a good idea?

12 years ago by homer2000 in society

Enforced Uniforms : Is it a good idea?
Are enforced uniforms a good idea, such as in work and school?Policemen and Firefighters can be easily identified by their work attire, but what if work attire was not enforced?Good, or bad idea?

Sources: 0
Views: 3,350
Lettuce 0

Green Lettuce

While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Cabbage 0

Red Cabbage

While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)


Should papers and essays be graded by automated software?

12 years ago by homer2000 in education

Should papers and essays be graded by automated software?What are its benefits (pros) and cons?What are the statistics for human error and computer error when correcting papers?Will this free up the teacher's time to working on other material for education and students in a classroom?List your pros ...

Sources: 0
Views: 3,796
Lettuce 0

Green Lettuce

While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Cabbage 0

Red Cabbage

While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)