JFK: Did Oswald act alone in assassinating Kennedy?
11 years ago by homer2000 in history
In 1964, the Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating Kennedy, firing three shots. One shot apparently missed the limousine entirely, another struck Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally, and another struck Kennedy in the head. This conclusion was supported ...

Views: 9,467

Green Lettuce
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Red Cabbage
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Jet Li vs. Jackie Chan. Who wins (real fight)?
12 years ago by homer2000 in entertainment
Both are real martial artists, who will win in a real fight?

Views: 15,449

Green Lettuce
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Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
Edward Snowden: Traitor or Hero?
12 years ago by homer2000 in news
Is Edward Snowden a Traitor or Hero?Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is a former technical contractor and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee who worked for Booz Allen Hamilton, a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), before leaking details of top-secret American and Br...

Views: 6,662

Green Lettuce
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Red Cabbage
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Should humans deextinct (revive) a Wooly Mammoth?
12 years ago by homer2000 in science
Should humans deextinct (revive) a Wooly Mammoth?A carcass of a female mammoth was found in Russia that researchers say includes 10,000-year-old mammoth blood.According to the National Geographic article posted below in sources, cloning an extinct Mammoth is quite hard and nearly impossible.The ques...

Views: 6,085

Green Lettuce
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Red Cabbage
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Schools should ban junk food.
12 years ago by homer2000 in health
Junk food has little to none nutritional value, and can lead children to health problems and obesity. Should schools ban junk food?

Views: 6,888

Green Lettuce
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Red Cabbage
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Credit cards do more harm than good.
12 years ago by homer2000 in economics
There are high interest rates for credit cards, and if not used wisely, can accumulate lots of debt, making the credit card owner having to pay debt for a majority of their lives and possibly file for bankruptcy.Do credit cards do more harm than good?

Views: 6,952

Green Lettuce
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Red Cabbage
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It is unethical to eat meat
12 years ago by homer2000 in philosophy
Is it unethical to eat meat? The animals we kill for meat can be quite violent, and how animals are treated in farms is, at times, inhumane. Machines are built to kill animals as if the animals were an object, and not a living sentient being.Is it humane? Is it ethical? Can humans live long and heal...

Views: 6,546

Green Lettuce
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Red Cabbage
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The United States is losing the War on Terror.
12 years ago by homer2000 in society
Is the United States losing the War on Terror?11 years after 9/11 and the United States hasn't been winning the war on terrorism for nearly a decade. Is the United States winning or losing the war on terror?

Views: 5,066

Green Lettuce
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Red Cabbage
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Social networking technologies will bring about great changes in educational methods, in and out of the classroom.
12 years ago by homer2000 in education
Will social networking technologies bring about great changes in educational methods, in and out of the classroom?

Views: 10,164

Green Lettuce
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Red Cabbage
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Voters should be given the choice “None of the above”
12 years ago by homer2000 in politics
Every citizen over the age of 18 has the right to vote, but what if all the candidates are no good?Should voters be given the choice of "None of the above?"

Views: 5,272

Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)

Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)