Debate views: 10,163
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Will social networking technologies bring about great changes in educational methods, in and out of the classroom?
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answered by homer2000 12 years ago (Go to debate answer)


100% majority of vote
Lettuce (Pro)
Green Lettuce
While debating, choose the Green Lettuce side for Pro (if you are in favor of the debate.)
Number of lettuce debate answers: 1
Yes, social networking technologies will bring about great changes in educational methods, in and out of the classroom.
The internet and social networks is a great technology to share ideas and knowledge to anyone with access to the internet.
While social networks may be used for pleasure, such as in games, there are educational benefits of social networks as well, and not just the big ones, such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, and so on.
Students can contact the teacher, search for information he or she is seeking in books searchable online, watch documentaries on YouTube in regards to what he or she is studying, share notes with fellow classmates, and the list keeps going.
There is still lots of potential for internet developers to develop websites / apps to help students with education, in and out of the classroom.
The only Con I see, is being distracted from studies by using these social networks outside of study, which is up to the student to decide if he or she wants to, such as in games and chatting around. Students should be also thought to properly utilize these social network tools for education, rather than waste time playing around and missing out on education.
I see great potential in the internet for the present and future of education around the globe for all, such as online classes.
Yes, social networking technologies will bring about great changes in educational methods, in and out of the classroom.
The internet and social networks is a great technology to share ideas and knowledge to anyone with access to the internet.
While social networks may be used for pleasure, such as in games, there are educational benefits of social networks as well, and not just the big ones, such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, and so on.
Students can contact the teacher, search for information he or she is seeking in books searchable online, watch documentaries on YouTube in regards to what he or she is studying, share notes with fellow classmates, and the list keeps going.
There is still lots of potential for internet developers to develop websites / apps to help students with education, in and out of the classroom.
The only Con I see, is being distracted from studies by using these social networks outside of study, which is up to the student to decide if he or she wants to, such as in games and chatting around. Students should be also thought to properly utilize these social network tools for education, rather than waste time playing around and missing out on education.
I see great potential in the internet for the present and future of education around the globe for all, such as online classes.
The internet and social networks is a great technology to share ideas and knowledge to anyone with access to the internet.
While social networks may be used for pleasure, such as in games, there are educational benefits of social networks as well, and not just the big ones, such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, and so on.
Students can contact the teacher, search for information he or she is seeking in books searchable online, watch documentaries on YouTube in regards to what he or she is studying, share notes with fellow classmates, and the list keeps going.
There is still lots of potential for internet developers to develop websites / apps to help students with education, in and out of the classroom.
The only Con I see, is being distracted from studies by using these social networks outside of study, which is up to the student to decide if he or she wants to, such as in games and chatting around. Students should be also thought to properly utilize these social network tools for education, rather than waste time playing around and missing out on education.
I see great potential in the internet for the present and future of education around the globe for all, such as online classes.
Cabbage (Con)
Red Cabbage
While debating, choose the Red Cabbage side for Con (if you are in opposition of the debate.)
Number of cabbage debate answers: 0