Debate views: 5,209
Debate Summary
Which online company is the King of e-commerce? Is it Amazon or Alibaba?
According to (link to article in sources) A new study by Euromonitor has concluded that Alibaba Group’s Tmall will overtake Amazon (AMZN) by revenue by 2015, making Tmall the world’s largest ecommerce site.
According to, "Think Amazon is the king of e-commerce? Think again. Alibaba, a Chinese e-commerce site, will process more sales this year than Amazon and eBay combined, at least according to an executive at the company."
Is Amazon the King of E-commerce, or is Alibaba the king of E-commerce, or is there an ecommerce company King to Amazon and Alibaba? List your answers below with possible sources and videos, and upvote the true answers.
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